Blow Your Mind(set)

Leadership Outlook of GenZ (Part 1 of 2)

Nicole Season 1 Episode 4

They are coming HOT! The GenZ generation are coming out of college and they are ready to lead...but are they? Baby Boomers are retiring at 10K a day!!! Are you ready for the next generation of leaders?

Listen as Dr. Rosalyn Harrington, Dr. Dawn Nail, and Dr. Geleana Alston, all from HBCUs, speak on how the the pandemic disruption, racial disruptions, and political disruptions have changed how GenZ views the workforce  and the perspective they have of the leaders leading the charge.

Parts of this conversation include:

Dr. Harrington stated, "I have to rewire their perspective" and influence how her students within the criminal justice program view law enforcement and that industry.

Dr. Nail stated, "I have make sure I give my students all the resources they need to thrive and be successful in class to make their dreams a reality."

Dr. Alston hopes that all the students going into the workforce have learned resilience and learn followership to allow them to become exemplary leaders.

Listen to Part 1 and continue Part 2 next week for an enlightening discussion! We have to embrace that GenZ is here and they are coming into the workforce eager and ready to make an impact.

You can even SEE us power through this conversation via YOUTUBE!

Contact Nicole - she can't wait to talk to you!
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